Snail Mail Takes Time and Money, Consider Digital Banking Options Instead


While delays in the United States Postal Service (USPS) were highlighted during the holiday season, changes were made to First Class mail standards already on October 1, 2021. These standards were expanded at that time to allow the USPS longer delivery times of up to 5 days. Additionally, a price increase on First Class postage went into effect on August 29, 2021. Visit to learn more.

Traditionally, financial statements and bills were always sent through the mail. While the number of bills a household has each month will vary from home to home, research shows that households could have from 10 to 20 bills to pay each month, including rent/mortgage, car loan, various utilities, insurance, internet, and more. Over the course of the year, sending 15 pieces of mail each month would cost you about $105 in postage over the course of the year! However, you can make bill payments in a secure digital setting that costs you nothing, and take care of most, if not all, of your financial needs without using the mail at all!


An eDocument is an electronic version of your monthly statement, mortgage statement, notices, or forms that are accessible through WESTconsin Online, or our Mobile App.

  • Secure site access and safe means to distribute sensitive information
  • Convenience of online access to your eStatement, eNotices and eTax forms anytime, anywhere
  • Faster retrieval of your monthly eDocuments
  • Option to view 36 months of eDocuments at one time (from time enrolled)
  • Available FREE to our members!

Online Bill Pay

With WESTconsin’s Bill Pay, you can pay bills online from any computer or from the Mobile App. Bill Pay can virtually eliminate the paperwork, cut down on stamp costs, and generally save you time and aggravation. It can also help you avoid missed payments by sending alerts when certain bills are due or making automatic payments for those recurring monthly bills.

  • Schedule or edit bill payments
  • Manage payees
  • View payment history and check copies
  • Categorize your bills for easier budgeting
  • Set up automatic and recurring payments
  • Available FREE to our members!

Rather than spending the time to gather your bills, find stamps, and writing checks, take advantage of a more efficient way to pay your bills with eDocuments and Online Bill Pay with WESTconsin.





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